Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Here's some photos of the chicken house and chickens. The two black ones are Black Orpingtons and they are 16 weeks. The grey one is a Blue Orpington cockeral and he is 11 weeks. Tiffany is holding "fluff puff" and Elise is holding "feathers", two small shavers. There is 6 shavers in total, 2 are 13 weeks and 4 are only 7 weeks. So 8 chickens and 1 roster in total.
Toby converted the old playhouse into a chicken house and they all seems quite happy. And hopefully only another couple of weeks before they start laying.

Friday, January 9, 2009 far

We had an eventful trip to Quinneys Bush. I had to drive (Toby got gout a week before going, in his big toe) with the trailer. I was very careful driving and being courteous, especially with him beside me telling me what to do. Got to Spring Junction, refuelled, emptied bladders etc. Then decided to have lunch just outside of Springs. Carried on about 5 kms maybe. Stopped near a river and as I stopped the wheel fell off!!! So the trailer is getting fixed at the moment hopefully. Anyway, we got the Quinneys finally 2 and 1/2 hours later. Toby returned the next day and emptied the trailer out. Anyway having a great time. Kids are really enjoying it. In Nelson at the moment restocking and doing jobs. Photos are off Emma, Elise and Tiffany enjoying the waterslide. And of course me. I did it twice. Elise puts her hat over her face, so the water doesn't get in her eyes.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Just the girls


Me and the girls posing before going camping.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Every year Toby lights up the house for Christmas. So here's some photos from this year. The train and the reindeer are this years new additions. I can see the house about 5kms away when I come home from work at night.

Canterbury Athletics

Tiffany got into the Canterbury Athletics this year for 50m sprints. She didn't get past the heats but we are very proud that she got into Canterbury.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We got lambs this week. Pete (ex grasslands employee) has been going to give a lambs for the last fortnight. The girls have been asking everyday when they would be arriving. So when Tiffany went to a friends place to play on Saturday and her mother offered us two lambs, we said yes please. So we got two ewe lambs on Monday. They are named Charlotte and Miley. Then Pete arrives on Tuesday with two ram lambs. So we now have four lambs. Tiffany has got Charlotte and Shane. And Elise has got Miley and the ram lamb is yet to be named. Tiffany thinks we should call it 'Main' as in main course, which makes Elise a tad bit grumpy.